Quick and Creative Children’s Valances

Making your children’s window treatments can be both fun and easy. Generally, we don’t spend as much money decorating our children’s rooms because their interests can change from year to year. There are many do it yourself ideas that save money and come out looking great. You don’t need any special skills or a sewing machine because there are many no sew options for window treatments. Let’s look at some easy and creative window… Read more »

Sparkling Beaded Window Treatments Solve a Problem

Small Bathroom Window

Decorating windows can pose challenges. Often in older homes the bathrooms can have funny little windows you are not sure what to do with. On the other hand in new construction, you might find large modern bathrooms with beautiful over sized windows. The problem there is being too close to a neighbor who shares the view! There are a few thing you have to consider as you explore your options. Because… Read more »

A Versatile Cornice Using Faux Leather

There are many window treatment valances available on the market, both ready-made and custom designed. In the valance category, the versatile cornice is the style I prefer for many reasons. A cornice is an easy way to decorate and add interest to a room. It is a versatile choice because it can look casual or elegant, neutral and monochromatic, or bold and vibrant.  The straight lines of a Deco Wrap cornice allow you to create the mood of your window treatment, it… Read more »

A Little Drapery Trim goes a Long Way

I just received these trim samples in the mail from Etsy. I’m working on a new drapery project and I thought this chain link pattern would make a nice statement for the tieback. The addition of trim can make a big impact on your design, and a little goes a long way.

Trim Samples Chain link Tieback

You can purchase a good quality ready made window covering and create a custom… Read more »

Tips for Installing Window Treatments at the Proper Height

How high do I hang my window treatments? This is a question I hear all of the time. The quick answer is 4″ to 6″ above the window or window molding. In the past it was more common to hang drapery at the height of the window, but aesthetically, a higher installation looks better as it adds size and creates a more grand look overall. The designer’s rule of thumb for rooms… Read more »

Decorating With Very Peri, Pantone’s Color of the Year

Every year since 2000, the Pantone Color Institute announces its “Color of the Year.”  This year’s winner is called Very Peri. I’m definitely a fan of this year’s choice, as it is a pretty blue hue with a violet undertone. But how do we decorate with the shade Very Peri? Before we decide how to incorporate this trending color, lets ask a question. What comes to mind when we think of this shade? The… Read more »

How to Make Returns for DecoWrap

I have been asked many times if DecoWrap could “return” back to the wall like a custom cornice. In creating the product, we made it as simple as possible so anyone could make a window treatment it in minutes. So while it was not designed to have returns, it can be accomplished in a few relatively simple steps. I have laid them out below, using a single 40″ cornice as an example to follow… Read more »

Custom vs DIY Cornice Boards

DecoWrap DIY Cornice

Cornice boards are essentially wooden boxes that hang above the moldings around a window. They have a long history and were a popular element of hanging curtains throughout the 18th and 19th centuries. Although you would be hard pressed to find the elaborate wood sculpted and painted versions from hundreds of years ago, cornice boards are still popular today.

Cornice Materials

Fabric covered cornice boards are appropriate for both… Read more »

How High to Hang Window Treatments

How high do I hang my window treatments? This is a question I hear all of the time. The quick answer is 4″ to 6″ above the window or window molding. In the past it was more common to hang a drapery at the height of the window, but aesthetically, a higher installation looks better as it adds size and creates a more grand look overall. The designer’s rule of thumb for rooms with… Read more »

Halloween Decorating Never Dies

Decorating for Halloween will never die out in this house. I’m not quite sure whether we have more Halloween decorations or Christmas decorations. It’s crazy. Every year I say I’m going to pair down and get rid of at least half of what we store. Now here we are again and I’m like a kid in a candy store. Out come all the decorations and I spend the evening arranging and primping them… Read more »