Custom vs DIY Cornice Boards

DecoWrap DIY Cornice

Cornice boards are essentially wooden boxes that hang above the moldings around a window. They have a long history and were a popular element of hanging curtains throughout the 18th and 19th centuries. Although you would be hard pressed to find the elaborate wood sculpted and painted versions from hundreds of years ago, cornice boards are still popular today.

Cornice Materials

Fabric covered cornice boards are appropriate for both… Read more »

How High to Hang Window Treatments

How high do I hang my window treatments? This is a question I hear all of the time. The quick answer is 4″ to 6″ above the window or window molding. In the past it was more common to hang a drapery at the height of the window, but aesthetically, a higher installation looks better as it adds size and creates a more grand look overall. The designer’s rule of thumb for rooms with… Read more »