Holiday Decorating to Awaken the Senses

Around the holidays, your home should feel warm and cozy, inviting and festive. To get the most out of holiday home decorating, the key factor is to stimulate the senses. When guests walk into your home, they should delight in a sensory overload of sights, smells and sounds of the season. Holiday accessories like wreaths, garland and festive family keepsakes should adorn the entry to welcome friends and family.  Decorate the heart of your home thoughtfully as… Read more »

Decorating and Television Placement

Have you ever walked into a room and noticed the odd placement of someone’s TV? It can affect the entire aesthetic of the room. Sometimes the wrong size or location can look downright ridiculous. When decorating your living space, the placement of the television is crucial to a harmonious room design. Most people don’t realize there are a few rules to follow to ensure it’s proper placement and installation.

TV in Custom Built-In

Room… Read more »

Halloween Decorating Never Dies

Decorating for Halloween will never die out in this house. I’m not quite sure whether we have more Halloween decorations or Christmas decorations. It’s crazy. Every year I say I’m going to pair down and get rid of at least half of what we store. Now here we are again and I’m like a kid in a candy store. Out come all the decorations and I spend the evening arranging and primping them… Read more »