How to Choose Art for Your Home

It is a very common question that is asked. People want to know how to choose the right artwork for their home. There is no simple answer, and the reason is that art is very personal. It should reflect your personality and create a mood. Art should give off a vibe that works along with your other decor and home furnishings.

Love the art pieces you choose, as you will look at them daily. I enjoy looking at my artwork and every painting has meaning to me. I love bringing nature indoors, so much of my artwork is of ocean scenery or water. That is because I love the water. It is beautiful, fluid, and calming. Where we live we are surrounded by it, as we are minutes from the Atlantic Ocean and two local rivers.

Atlantic Ocean at Sandy Hook
Acrylic on Canvas
Navasink River at Victory Park
Oil on Canvas

About three years ago I discovered I could paint. My family asked me for ideas for Christmas, so I said,”How about some canvas and paint supplies?” Since then I have pained a number of pieces from photographs I have taken. It makes the end result extremely satisfying and very personal, as I’m capturing a moment that will last a lifetime. Although we pretend the day will never come, when our dog Finnegan passes, we will always have his likeness to remember him by.

Finnegan the “Wheaton Terror”
Acrylic on Canvas

So when deciding upon your own art pieces, think about what moves you. It could be anything. A friend of mine loves the funky look of graffiti, so she is currently looking for a large urban piece for her living room. Graffiti artwork in a living room will surely make a bold statement. The living room is a common area where we tend to think more about what to display, but don’t neglect smaller spaces. The kitchen and bath are well visited rooms and the artwork displayed in there is just as important.

Proportion is an important design element when choosing art. You don’t want to hang a tiny picture on a large wall. Also look at the shape of the wall. Over a sofa, you usually find a horizontal rectangular wall space, so if I’m hanging just one picture, it would be a horizontal or landscape shape, not a vertical one.

These are just a few thoughts to get you inspired about choosing art for your own home. So before you rush out just to fill up wall space, think again. It is worth taking the time to make every thing you display a thoughtful investment.

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